Alum Research

Alum Research


Research Institute



University of Waikato

Utuhina stream monitoring 2010/2011:

Effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates

Report 462kB

University of Waikato

Utuhina stream monitoring 2012:

Effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates

Report 1.5MB

University of Waikato

Utuhina stream monitoring 2013:

Effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates

Report 1.5MB

University of Waikato

Influence of Utuhina Stream alum dosing on Lake Rotorua littoral macroinvertebrates 2013

Report 675kB

University of Waikato

Utuhina stream monitoring 2014:

Effects of continuous alum dosing on fish and aquatic invertebrates

Report 1.4MB

University of Waikato

Utuhina stream monitoring 2016:

In-stream alum dosing effects on fish and aquatic invertebrates

Report 1MB

University of Waikato


Puarenga Stream alum dosing – Summary of effects on lake biota 2012

Report 344kB

University of Waikato


Puarenga Stream alum dosing – Summary of effects on lake biota 2013/2014

Report 404kB

University of Waikato


Puarenga Stream alum dosing – Summary of effects on lake biota 2015 

Report 692kB

University of Waikato


Puarenga Stream alum dosing – Effects on Lake Rotorua/Sulphur Bay biota 2016

Report 1.43MB



The effect of chronic exposure to phosphorus-inactivation agents on freshwater biota

Report 590kB

Environmental Research Institute University of Waikato

Ecotoxicological Review of Alum Applications to the Rotorua Lakes

Report 9.3 MB

University of Waikato

Assessing the effects of alum dosing of two inflows to Lake Rotorua against external nutrient load reductions: Model simulations for 2001-2012

Report 2.21 MB

Andy Bruere

Executive Summary on Assessing the effects of alum dosing of two inflows to Lake Rotorua against external nutrient load reductions: Model simulations for 2001-2012

Report 654 KB


Alum Treatment for Rehabilitation of Lake Okaro ecological surveys and response of sedimentation rates to initial low alum dose trial

Report 5.6MB


Lake Okaro Re-Treatment with Z2G1 in August 2009  

Report 694kb


Sulphur Bay Baseline Monitoring for the Puarenga Stream Alum Discharge April 2009

Report 899kb

Environmex Ltd

Lake Rotorua Alum Application Study

Report 686kb

Lochmiogh Site Hazard

Alum Dosing of two stream discharges to Lake Rotorua. Alum dosing of streams was identified as a method to reduce phosphorus loads to Rotorua lakes.

Report 710kb

Grant Tempero and David Hamilton 

Lake Rotorua and Lake Rotoehu: Total and non-crystalline Aluminium Content in Bottom Sediments.

Report 2.46 MB