
Lake Ōkāreka update

Lake Ōkāreka update

25 January 2019

Bay of Plenty Regional Council has prepared a long term resource consent application to increase the rate of water discharge from Lake Ōkāreka to a maximum of 500L/s and undertake protection works in the Waitangi Stream. 

You may have already received a similar email and link if you are an affected party or member of the Lake Okareka Working Party in which case please discard this email.

Please find a summary, additional documents and the full application of the resource consent application on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website;

The website contains all the application documents under the following sections;                 

Consent               Long term Consent application and Assessment of Environmental  Effects

Appendix 1                 Maps and Photographs

Appendix 2                 Resource Consent Application Forms

Appendix 3                 Engineering Report and Operating Guidelines

Appendix 4                 Consultation (To be added after consultation is completed)

Appendix 5                 Water Quality Reports

Appendix 6                 Current Resource Consent 60776 issued 2001

Appendix 7                 Ecological Reports       

Appendix 8                 Archaeological Report

Appendix 9                 Relevant Legislation and Plans

It is a large set of documents, but the most relevant for an overview are;

·       Consent 181203

Long term consent application and assessment of environmental effects. - This document contains full details of the application including background, assessment of scientific data, rainfall and lake level modelling, assessment of environmental effects, proposed mitigation measures and proposed operational guidelines.

·       Consent Summary

Consent summary document.  This is a 7 page summary covering the key aspects of the resource consent application.

·       Appendix 1 /Maps and Photographs. 

These are all the maps and photos referenced in the consent application and AEE, including A4 reproductions of all the figures in the AEE document.

·       Appendix 3/Memo

Lake Ōkāreka P West Modelling of Lake Management Guideline Options.  This contains details of the lake level modelling including consideration of the effects of climate change and indications of the frequency that lake levels will be outside of the consent target range.  It also contains the proposed operational guidelines

·       Appendix 7 /Ecological Reports

Identifying potential environmental risk and mitigation measures which have been incorporated into the engineering plans for stream protection works.

It is proposed to lodge the consent application on 4th February 2019, so if you have any questions or comments, please make contact before that date.

If you have questions or comments please contact Andy Bruere ( or phone 0800 884 881 ext 7497). 

Can you please copy any communication to Andy Woolhouse ( who is compiling the application.